
Archive for 2011|Yearly archive page

Basic Reservoir Geology

In IPTEK on 20/04/2011 at 12:36


Some Basic Knowledge about Reservoir Geology…

Hope it adds more in our knowledge…

-Wihaga Khresna-

API, ASME, ASTM Standards for share

In IPTEK on 20/04/2011 at 12:26

I have uploaded some of document standards for API, ASTM, and ASME that is commonly used in design and development of Subsea, Drilling Equipments, and M/LWD Sensors on my 4 shared account folders.

Feel free to download the files… ^_^ … Have fun!

API Standards

ASTM Standards

ASME Standards

*knowledge should not be made exclusive, it should be easily shared and accessible…

-Wihaga Khresna-